One of the most widely used “stable” cryptocurrencies globally is USDT, launched in 2014 by Tether. USDT works on the second layer of a blockchain using the Omni Layer protocol. Since it is a stablecoin, the value of Tether USDT is practically the same as the US dollar (the relationship with this value is usually 1 to 1), which has facilitated its diffusion and use in different environments.
When you want to purchase or manage cryptocurrencies such as Tether USDT, it is essential to have a wallet, which will considerably simplify the management of your cryptocurrencies. However, several wallets are on the market nowadays, which may confuse some users. For this reason, here are some points to consider when choosing a wallet de Tether USDT:
Reliability or reputation of the wallet
One of the first points to consider when choosing a wallet for Tether USDT is to verify the reliability and reputation of the digital wallet; this can be achieved by checking the ratings and opinions of users, either through application platforms (Google Play or Apple Store) or in some specialized forums or social networks. This way, we can get an idea about the quality of the wallet and the level of user satisfaction. As we saw in our previous article, as far as ratings are concerned, it is essential to verify the authenticity of the ratings, as well as to look at the intermediate ratings, because these tend to be more accurate since the maximum and minimum ratings tend to be more “emotional” and less objective.
User-friendly interface
It is crucial to check the wallet‘s user interface and assess how user-friendly it is because a wallet that is not easy to use will not allow us to take full advantage of its functions. If the wallet platform is intuitive and easy to use, your users will be able to perform tasks more efficiently, which will boost their productivity, and at the same time, they will require less time and effort to use the platform.
Operating system compatibility
When choosing a wallet for Tether USDT, it is essential to evaluate its compatibility with the operating systems of the devices we use daily (computers, tablets, smartphones, among others). It is crucial to remember that there are multiple alternative wallets on the market, but not all of them are compatible with all operating systems.
In this case, it is advisable to verify if the company (wallet provider) offers support and updates for the operating systems of our devices.
Security level
Another point to consider when choosing a Tether USDT wallet is its security level. In this regard, it is essential to note that you can choose between a custodial and a non-custodial wallet. With a non-custodial wallet, we refer to hardware wallets or desktop applications, where the security level will depend solely on the user, who may be exposed to any vulnerability of the equipment or device used (especially when creating the seed phrase) since, if a third party has access to such information, it could compromise the security of the wallet.
On the other hand, when a wallet with custody is chosen, the control of Tether USDT assets is shared between the company and the user, which is why it is known as a centralized wallet. In this case, it is essential to verify the security level of the company’s ecosystem or platform that will guard all the private keys of this type of wallet.
Additional functions or services
We need to verify whether the wallet offers access to other additional/complementary functions or services such as payment processors, cryptocurrency exchange, purchase of assets from IBAN Accounts, or private transactions without leaving the platform.
Customer service and support
Another point to remember is to evaluate the quality level of customer service since this will guarantee that we will have a good experience with the wallet and identify if the company will handle any upcoming problems. We must consider that no matter how modern a platform is, if the customer service or support is deficient, then the experience with the wallet will be unsatisfactory.
We can assess this point by evaluating the company’s response time on its diverse digital channels. Another factor that we can consider is the quality of these responses.
What do you think about this topic? Do you want to learn more about our digital wallet services?
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