Wind energy companies (which transform the kinetic energy of air currents into electricity) need a bank with a wide range of financial services and products, mainly to grow and face the different challenges of the energy sector.

However, because several Fintech and banks offer these services, selecting the ideal provider can take time and effort. In this article, we will learn why Pilsenga should be chosen for banking services for wind energy companies.

Accounting Package

To maintain steady growth and meet the industry’s challenges, wind energy companies must have a banking service that allows them to manage their financial resources effectively. To achieve this goal, Pilsenga offers its clients an accounting package that permits companies to keep their financial records in an orderly manner, as they can record income, expenses, assets, and liabilities systematically, which facilitates the monitoring and managing of the finances of the entire organization.

With this tool, wind energy companies can control their cash flow, comply with their tax obligations, perform a financial analysis of the business, optimize their time, and reduce the percentage of human errors.

Reliability and risk assessment

In general, the wind energy industry is constantly growing, as it is in a dynamic and competitive environment. Because of this, companies in this sector are not only looking for a good banking service with a broader range of financial solutions but also for a “partner” they can trust who will provide personalized treatment, allow them to grow (supported by their financial services) and advise them during their long professional and business trajectory.

At this point, we must emphasize that the Pilsenga team guides the new client “step by step” throughout their incorporation process, helping them with risk assessment and creating a “long-term” relationship based on trust, respect, and cooperation.

Another point to consider is the personalized treatment that Pilsenga gives its clients. A clear example of this is the service of dedicated managers, who are trained to offer a better experience to their users and help new clients comply with the different regulatory standards. It is worth noting that this service is currently available 24/7 (24 hours a day, seven days a week) with native speakers in Spanish, Italian, and English.

Security Level

Security is essential in corporate banking since it safeguards and manages users’ financial resources and protects their personal information. Pilsenga stands out in this point since, in addition to implementing different security measures such as custody of multiple assets, identity verification platform, transaction approval, and integration of security controls, among others, it also complies with the different norms and standards established by the financial industry, which guarantees a certain level of supervision by local authorities, resulting in a platform with high standards of quality and security.

Banking for wind energy companies: Why choose Pilsenga?

Intuitive Platform

An intuitive banking platform enhances the user experience, allowing customers to make transactions readily, quickly, and efficiently. For example, a platform with many challenging functions will prevent users from fully taking advantage of those functions, generating dissatisfaction and frustration.

At this point, Pilsenga’s platform is intuitive and easy to use. It simplifies the organization’s entire financial management and adapts to the needs of the energy sector.

It is important to note that in an increasingly competitive market, having an intuitive and easy-to-use platform can be an essential differentiator because these companies offer a superior user experience and a competitive advantage.

Support to expand into new territories

A banking service should provide the financial tools necessary for the company to expand into new territories and become more competitive.

Pilsenga stands out because it can offer companies a wide range of financial services, allowing them to expand their operations and reach new territories, adapting to the needs of each territory or market.

Among the financial services offered by Pilsenga that can help with this purpose are dedicated accounts, payment processors, wallet and exchange services, batch payments, and multi-currency IBAN accounts.

What do you think about this topic? Would you like to learn more about Pilsenga’s business banking services?

If you are interested in Pilsenga’s products or services (including financial services for energy companies), you can contact us by clicking the following link.

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