Thanks to the advancement of technology, many people and companies are now using different financial services, which has allowed the development of new financial tools, online platforms, and automated financial services.
However, just as technology allows people to access these platforms and benefit from these services (improving their quality of life), at the same time, some unscrupulous people use the vulnerabilities of these media to steal information or financial resources from other people or companies, so it is advisable to take certain precautions when using these services, to protect our data and financial assets. Here are some security tips for users of financial services.
Reputation of financial platforms
The reputation and reliability of financial platforms are some of the main factors to consider in this type of case. If a financial platform has a bad reputation, it is very likely to be unsafe. Hence, it is advisable to assess the financial platform, application, or website of the companies offering the financial services to finally choose the best alternative: a platform with a good reputation and high security.
Some tips for assessing the reputation of the platform are as follows:
– Review comments, reviews, and ratings of users about the application or platform you want to use.
– Learn more about the company, founders, or people behind the platform.
– That the connection to the website is secure (HTTPS).
– Verify the ownership and age of the domain.
– Verify the different permissions and certifications the service or platform provider holds.
– Review the terms and conditions of use of the platform.
Strong passwords
When registering or creating a user on a financial platform, it is essential to use a password that has a high level of security, for which it is suggested not to use combinations of simple numbers (e.g., 1234), personal information, or common words, as these are data that hackers can easily guess.
Using a password that includes a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters is usually recommended; you can also use a password manager that permits you to generate and securely store your password.
Another tip is to avoid saving the password on the computer or device used to connect. It is advisable to enter the password manually and log out when leaving the platform.
Two-factor authentication
It is advisable to configure two-factor authentication (2FA) to access accounts associated with financial services, thus adding another layer of security to gain access to your account. Two-factor authentication consists of sending a specific code (via email, text message, or authentication application) after entering the password when logging into an account.
It is important to note that of the three alternatives, the one with the highest level of security is an authentication application since it generates an automatic code that expires every 20 seconds.
Email associated with the account
Using an email with a high level of security will give an additional layer of protection for our account. It is advised to use an email from a recognized company (e.g., Gmail) and enable two-step verification on that email. It is essential to bear that if a hacker accesses our email, it will be easier for him to enter our account since he can “reset” the password or use the email to request a verification code.

Enable notifications
One of the most widely used IT tools is real-time notifications. Enabling notifications that indicate the activity of the account associated with our user’s financial services is recommended; in this way, it is possible to have better control of the account because by receiving notifications, we can detect logins, transactions, or unusual operations within the account, allowing us to take the necessary actions (at the right time).
Malware and phishing
One of the easiest ways that hackers have managed to evade layers of security and scams is through phishing and malware; they do it by sending emails or text messages (via phone, instant messaging applications, social networks, etc.) containing links or attachments, which can extract financial/personal information or infect the computer/device.
We must take into account that if a computer is infected, in addition to exposing the user’s personal information, the hacker will also be able to control the computer remotely, which will allow him to breach some security methods, such as the alerts that are activated on new or unknown computers, since he will log in from our computer or device.
To prevent our devices from being infected with malware or becoming phishing victims, we need to verify the sender or source of the information requesting personal or financial data. It is also important not to click on attachments or links from suspicious sources. We must emphasize that financial institutions generally do not send messages or e-mails requesting this type of information. Likewise, it is recommended to use an antivirus program (original) to protect our computer or device.
A typical modality used in this type of case is that the hacker pretends to be a customer interested in buying/contracting the products/services of a person or company. During the negotiation process, the hacker sends a downloadable compressed file indicating that it is an important document to view, and later, a password is given to open the file; at that moment, the computer will be infected, and the attacker will have access to it remotely. After infecting the computer, the hacker repeats this process with all the victim’s contacts.
Personal devices and private network
One of the ways that users can be more vulnerable to the theft of their financial or personal information is by accessing financial services through a device they do not own or by connecting to the Internet through a public network. For this reason, it is advisable that when you want to use financial services, you should do so through personal devices in addition to connecting to the Internet from a private network.
What do you think about this topic? Would you like to know more security tips for users of financial services?
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