Throughout their commercial activity, medium-sized companies carry out several financial operations, among which the management of accounts receivable (sales of their products or services) and accounts payable (payments to suppliers, loans, etc.) stand out. Generally, these types of transactions are recorded in a dedicated account supported by documents known as invoices.

Through payment vouchers, medium-sized companies can better manage their resources by identifying which invoices are payable and which are receivable. Here’s how midsize companies can benefit from Pilsenga’s “invoices” feature, which is part of its platform and payment ecosystem.

What is Pilsenga’s invoice function?

Medium-sized companies that use Pilsenga’s services have at their disposal an invoice page/section where they can manage and access all their invoices listed, besides having the ability to customize this page to have better management of their payment vouchers, allowing this function to be more in line with their needs. It is important to note that within the Pilsenga invoices function, all invoice records are sorted cumulatively by date.

How medium-sized companies can benefit from Pilsenga's "invoices" feature?

Quick and practical search

When a medium-sized company handles a high volume of invoices, it is necessary to have a system that allows the digitalization of invoices to manage the flow of capital more efficiently. However, accessing these invoices fast may be difficult if they are stored in an unfriendly and difficult-to-use system.

We should mention that the Pilsenga ecosystem has an invoice filtering feature (located next to the search button) that enables a more efficient and practical search for invoice records since the user has the option to filter his invoice search by date, item ID, store, order ID or invoice status.

Detailed access to invoices

For medium-sized companies, it is convenient to have detailed information on each invoice to improve the control and management of their resources. For this reason, by relying on Pilsenga’s services, companies can access their invoice information in a detailed way; this is possible thanks to the fact that the invoice information is created automatically, considering factors such as invoice status, product information, exchange rate, etc.

Invoice Export

Through Pilsenga’s invoices feature, medium-sized companies can easily export their invoice records, which allows their accounting department to access the exported invoices in CSV or JSON format.

It is important to note that the CSV format is an open and widely supported industry standard that can be easily opened and edited with various software applications such as spreadsheets (for example, Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets) and databases, which improves interoperability and facilitates data integration across different systems.

On the other hand, the JSON format permits a flexible and nested data structure that is advantageous for representing the complex information that an invoice may contain and adapting to the diverse data present in a payment voucher. JSON is a data format commonly used in web applications and services, thus facilitating the integration of financial data into web-based systems, such as cloud-based business management applications, e-commerce platforms, and online accounting systems.

What do you think about this topic? Do you want to learn more about Pilsenga’s invoice service?

If you are interested in Pilsenga’s products or services (including the invoices feature), you can visit our website and register on our platform by visiting the following link.

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