For medium-sized companies to grow and expand into other markets, they need financial products and services that meet their needs. Within these services, bank transfers play a fundamental role since they offer versatility and effectiveness in the company’s operations, in addition to complying with the different tax and financial laws.

Because of this, it is significant to have a provider that offers IBAN transfer services for companies. Here are some reasons why you should choose Pilsenga as a provider of this type of service.

Service for medium-sized companies

Medium-sized companies frequently search for providers who offer them an IBAN transfer service that fits their needs, which enables them to be more efficient, streamline their international transactions, and receive the support they need on time. At this point, it is crucial to highlight that Pilsenga has an ecosystem created expressly for medium-sized companies, which adjusts the service to the size, number of employees, and resources of the industry, which allows greater efficiency in the company’s operations.

Dedicated IBAN account

When medium-sized companies look for financial solutions such as IBAN transfer services, they not only want to carry out their transactions efficiently, but they also need to better manage their financial resources/assets through specialized and competitive services.

Medium-sized companies that use Pilsenga’s IBAN transfer service have the possibility of having a dedicated IBAN account, which will allow them to have greater control and management of their aids due to the ease with which they can visualize the company’s income and expenses. In this way, medium-sized companies can have an accurate record of their transactions and, therefore, the ability to evaluate the company’s financial performance using a more practical approach, which can facilitate auditing processes; it is worth mentioning that a dedicated IBAN account is generally a legal requirement for conducting business transactions.

Security standards

One of the reasons why medium-sized companies seek IBAN transfer services is to have an internationally accepted numbering system that generates a certain degree of security or reliability for efficient transactions.

The only way to minimize failures, mishaps, losses, or delays during transactions is to have an IBAN transfer service that meets certain quality and security standards. At this point, it is essential to highlight that Pilsenga has different security norms and standards within its platform, which allows it to offer medium-sized companies an IBAN transfer service that meets their needs and complies with specific industry security standards. Among Pilsenga’s most relevant security measures, we can highlight transaction approval, integration of security controls, identity verification platform, and custody of multiple assets, among others.

Multi-currency IBAN account

With the IBAN transfer service, you can perform international transactions such as sending and receiving SEPA and SEPA Instant payments. However, what happens if the company attends several foreign markets with different currencies?

A multi-currency account is the ideal solution to solve this problem. At this point, it is essential to note that Pilsenga offers the multi-currency IBAN account service, with which medium-sized companies can manage around 30 currencies and carry out transactions in more than 150 countries, thus being able to reach different international markets and accept new currencies to facilitate operations with their new clients or suppliers.

What do you think about this topic? Would you like to learn more about IBAN transfer services for medium-sized companies?

If you are interested in Pilsenga’s products or services (including IBAN Multi-currency accounts for companies), please visit our website and register on our platform by visiting the following link.

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