The digital era advances rapidly and experiments with constant changes, creating an ideal environment for developing various technological tools that improve the lives of many companies and people. Within this trend, Fintechs have developed different financial products and services that allow companies to expand their market and reach more customers, especially in an increasingly competitive global environment.

Among these alternatives are simplified e-money services for businesses with high demand in the sector. For this reason, in this article, we will share some reasons to choose Pilsenga as a provider for this financial service.

Simplified e-money services

Simplified e-money services for companies are financial solutions supported by a digital platform that seeks to facilitate financial transactions or operations for an entity, company, or business. These services smooth and streamline the monetary processes in a company, considerably reducing its dependence on cash, obsolete platforms, or traditional payment systems. Below, we share some simplified e-money services:

Expense management

Most companies have a dynamic cash flow, which forces entities to keep efficient control of their expenses, as it can paralyze or delay some payments due to a lack of liquidity (which can cause certain activities to paralyze). In this case, companies that have Pilsenga’s simplified e-money service have various tools to manage their resources, having the possibility of establishing and adjusting their expense limits, besides implementing payment approval flows, with their respective notifications in real-time, which will allow them to keep better control of their resources and digital assets. 

IBAN Multicurrency accounts

An IBAN Multicurrency account allows account holders to keep their funds in different currencies without opening various “separated” for each currency. With a multicurrency IBAN account, users can send and receive payments in several currencies and even perform currency conversions within the same account. 

It is important to note that Pilsenga offers its clients the multicurrency IBAN account service, which allows them to perform transactions (domestic and international) efficiently and with a higher security level.

Intuitive platform

No matter how many functions a platform has, if its interface is not intuitive or easy to use for users, then the company or business will not be able to get the maximum benefit from it because it will not allow them to use all its functions or tools. Some elementary criteria must prevail for a platform to be intuitive: to have a clean design, an interface without complexity, information clear and organized, a logical workflow, and adapting to user needs.

At this point, we must emphasize that the Pilsenga platform has a friendly and easy-to-use design adapted to user needs. It is important to note that it is not enough to have an intuitive platform or system; this platform must also have good communication, advice, and personalized support. One of the main features of Pilsenga is its 24/7 dedicated managers service, which allows us to offer a unique and customized experience for each company. 

Batch payments

As we saw in our previous article, batch payments allow companies to make multiple payments (simultaneously) through a single operation, optimizing the payment process of the entity, which significantly improves the financial efficiency of the business or company.

It is important to emphasize that Pilsenga offers its clients the batch payment service, which allows medium-sized companies to pay their payroll and suppliers in an automated and systematized manner. 

Digital Wallet

A medium-sized company needs a technological tool to manage its digital assets effectively and simplistically. At this point, it is significant to mention that Pilsenga offers its customers a digital wallet service, which allows its users to manage and administer their digital assets in an intuitive and friendly manner and with a high level of security. 

Security level

One essential factor that companies look for when managing their resources and digital assets is the level of security of their platform, as this minimizes the possibility of losses, theft, fails, or delays in their operations. It is here where we must highlight that Pilsenga’s platform has different security measures, among which stand: integration of security controls, identity verification platform, custody of multiple assets, transactions approvals, etc.

What do you think about this topic?  Would you like to learn more about the simplified e-money service for companies?

If you are interested in Pilsenga’s products or services (which include batch payments for medium-sized companies), you can visit our website and register on our platform by visiting the following link.

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