During the last few years, crypto-payment solutions have become a key-part of the local and international economy. These solutions have the main feature of operating decentralized networks using blockchain technology, allowing transactions with higher security, transparency, and speed. Pilsenga uses one of the most prominent solutions, such as the BTCPay Server. Below, we will learn more about the BTC Server and why Pilsenga uses it to help local communities.

BTCPay Server

BTCPay Server is a decentralized open-source platform that allows individuals, businesses, companies, merchants, and organizations to accept payments in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies without depending on intermediaries.

Why does Pilsenga use the BTCPay Server?

Pilsenga is characterized by offering its customers automated finance, e-money, and IBAN services in one place through a modern, intuitive, and efficient ecosystem designed to meet the needs of medium-sized businesses. 

Pilsenga uses the BTCPay Server because this platform facilitates the creation of customized payment gateways (which translates into versatile, efficient, and trusted cryptocurrency payment processors, which means that users can integrate the platform into their websites and applications to allow customers to make payments in Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies in a user-friendly, intuitive, and highly secure way. BTCPay Server allows users more control over their resources, transactions, privacy, and security.

Advantages of BTCPay Server for local communities

BTCPay Server enables local communities to accept cryptocurrency payments in a more autonomous, cost-effective, and customizable way, which can be beneficial in particular environments where local needs and preferences are essential. The following are some benefits of BTCPay Server for local communities:

Private transactions

BTCPay Server does not share data or personal information during its transactions, thus maintaining users’ information in private, which people who value their financial privacy can appreciate.

Autonomy and control

BTCPay users do not depend on third parties to process their payments or transactions, which gives complete control of their resources and operations to local communities, thus enhancing their autonomy and security.

Low commissions or elimination of particular fees

By having no intermediaries, the PTCPay Server platform can help communities reduce or eliminate particular fees related to traditional payment processors; this can be beneficial for determined projects, non-profit organizations, or small local businesses looking to reduce their operating costs.

Customization and open source

As BTC Server is open source, local communities can customize and adapt the platform to suit specific needs or requirements of their sector; this allows for solutions that best adapt to each group or local environment.

BTCPay Server has an active community of developers and users who perform audits, offer technical support, and share their knowledge; this can be very useful for some local communities looking for a stable environment or requiring constant help to solve specific problems related to the platform. It is essential to note that by being an open-source platform, BTCPay Server is constantly developing and evolving because of the contribution of different developers at a global level. 

Transparency and trust

The blockchain can verify all BTCPay Server operations or transactions in a public manner, which can be helpful for increasing trust and transparency among members of a local community.

Cryptocurrency variety and adoption

Besides Bitcoin, BTCPay Server supports other cryptocurrencies, allowing local communities to accept different cryptocurrencies according to their needs or preferences. It is essential to note that BTCPay Server can effectively help the adoption of cryptocurrencies at a local level, facilitating the acceptance and use of cryptocurrencies in particular local environments, which can improve the quality of life for members of those communities.

What do you think about this topic? Do you want to know more about BTCPay Server?

If you are interested in Pilsenga’s products or services, you can visit our website and register on our platform by visiting the following link.

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